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Discover Neeva, the ad-free, privacy-focused search engine. Choose between Free Basic and Premium plans, connect personal accounts, and protect your data.

In a world where online privacy is becoming increasingly important, Neeva offers a refreshing approach to internet search. This article explores Neeva’s unique features and benefits, including its two subscription plans, compatibility with multiple devices, and privacy protection tools.

Free Basic vs. Premium Subscription: Which one should you choose?

Neeva offers two subscription plans: Free Basic and Premium. Both plans provide access to all features, including web and personal account searches, news and shopping preferences, and multi-device searching. However, the Premium subscription offers unlimited searches and additional privacy protection tools such as a password manager and premium VPN.

The free Basic subscription requires only a few clicks to set up, with users only needing to create a free account. Users can always upgrade to Premium later on in their settings.

100% Ad-Free and Private Search Experience

Neeva is a 100% ad-free search engine that never sells or shares user data with third parties. It also does not display any third-party affiliate links that could influence the user’s search experience.

Creating a free account with Neeva allows the search engine to improve the search results it provides to users without sharing their data with anyone. Users can also personalize their search experience by selecting preferred news and shopping providers, connecting their personal accounts such as Gmail or Dropbox, and enjoying other features to be released in the future. Neeva also provides fully anonymous search options, giving users complete control over their data.

Compatibility with Multiple Devices

Neeva offers an iOS browser application and browser extension that are compatible with all major browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Brave, Edge, and Safari. These mobile and browser extensions prevent trackers from following users’ activities. Users can also set Neeva as their default search engine in their mobile browser of choice.

Privacy Protection and Security

By default, Neeva does not store users’ search history and interactions with the product. For users who create an account, Neeva only asks for an email address and name. Users can choose to enable search history on the Neeva settings page. Whether or not users choose to activate the memory mode, their information will never be sold or shared with anyone for profit. Users can view the list of items associated with their account in Neeva’s privacy policy.

If users connect Neeva to an external data source such as G Suite, Office 365, or Dropbox, Neeva only processes the information obtained from that external source for personal result displays when users search within Neeva. The information will never be used for profit purposes.

A Competent and Independent Search Engine

Neeva has invested in building one of the largest full search stacks outside of Google and Bing. While the company initially worked with Bing’s search technology, Neeva now independently crawls hundreds of millions of pages daily, has a billion-index, and serves at scale. Most of Neeva’s main features are now completely handled by its search stack, including NeevaAI.

Expert Help and Support

Neeva offers its members free video calls with experts from its member experience team. Users can ask any questions they have about creating an account, product features, setting up Neeva on multiple devices, or any other topics related to Neeva. Users can request as many video call sessions as they wish, and Neeva ensures the security of users’ data by applying strict standards and continuously testing its systems for vulnerabilities.

Final thoughts

Neeva is a refreshing and reliable alternative to other search engines. With its ad-free and privacy-centric approach, Neeva offers users a more secure and personalized search experience. Users can choose between a free Basic subscription and a Premium subscription with additional privacy protection tools.


Neeva is a search engine that offers two membership options: a free Basic plan and a paid Premium subscription. The Basic plan provides all the features of the Premium plan, including the ability to search the web and connected personal accounts like Gmail or Dropbox, set preferences for news and shopping, and search from multiple devices. The Premium subscription offers unlimited searches and top-of-the-line privacy protection tools, such as a password manager and a Premium VPN.

Neeva is entirely ad-free and does not sell or share member data with third parties. Creating a free account allows Neeva to improve search results and personalize the experience for members. Neeva also offers completely anonymous search options, providing total control over personal data.

Members can upgrade to the Premium plan at any time and benefit from advanced privacy protection tools and other exclusive features. Neeva is available for iOS and Android devices and can be set as the default search engine on mobile browsers.

Neeva takes data privacy seriously and encrypts all data, whether at rest or in transit, and only collects minimal personal information. Neeva currently supports various integrations with Google, Office 365, Dropbox, and other platforms.

Neeva has invested in building one of the largest full search stacks outside of Google and Bing and offers free video call sessions with experts to answer any questions about the product or setting up multiple devices.

In summary, Neeva is a unique search engine that offers unparalleled privacy protection and personalization options while remaining ad-free and committed to maintaining the confidentiality of member data.

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